Welcome To Our Website

We are a friendly local poetry group that meets on

the third Sunday of each month to read our own

poetry, listen to others’ poetry and talk about poetry.

Meetings take place on the third Sunday afternoon of

the month starting at 2.00 o'clock and finishing at

approximately 5.15. In December we meet on the

second Sunday.

They are held in the library of Orley

Farm School, South Hill Avenue, Harrow, Middx.

The nearest tube station is South Harrow. There is no

access by car from the South Harrow end of South

Hill Avenue. Entrance to the library is by a door

round to the left of the building.

Fancy yourself as a poet?

Come and listen or read
your own verse. This local

poetry group started in 1992. Visitors £3.00.

For further details and before coming telephone

0208 864 3149.

Below we will be placing some of our latest verse as tasters.

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Continental Drift

Continental Drift

Firm handshake exchanged,
and an attempt at something like a hug
half done. We left our cars,
and the world they came from,
and began to walk.

Hours drifted beneath a big sky,
the sun warmed us, we moved
and meandered in
and out of conversation.

And we wound our way back
to the spot where we'd begun.
It didn't matter what time it took,
what counted was that we reached our end.

We took the elm tallest of the forest's trees
as an anchor. At our furthest point
we had its crown fixed firm upon

And it was as we walked across fields
that you recalled the first line of your book,
'The stories of entire continents
cannot be adequately told in
single volume histories."

You smiled at how it took so long
to find those opening words, And while
1 am sure that you are right in what you say

1 don't think it half so hard to capture a continent
as it would be to set down
what has passed between us.

Things must have changed,
or so 1 believed,
thoughts ill bred in a welter of silence
would cloud the air and touch still waters.

But instead we picked up the beat
and went on -
orbiting each other.

The elm remained rooted
and we made our way towards it
when far off it was easy.
Yet as we approached the tree began to vanish.

Neil Elder

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