Welcome To Our Website
We are a friendly local poetry group that meets on
the third Sunday of each month to read our own
poetry, listen to others’ poetry and talk about poetry.
Meetings take place on the third Sunday afternoon of
the month starting at 2.00 o'clock and finishing at
approximately 5.15. In December we meet on the
second Sunday.
They are held in the library of Orley
Farm School, South Hill Avenue, Harrow, Middx.
The nearest tube station is South Harrow. There is no
access by car from the South Harrow end of South
Hill Avenue. Entrance to the library is by a door
round to the left of the building.
Fancy yourself as a poet?
Come and listen or read your own verse. This local
poetry group started in 1992. Visitors £3.00.
For further details and before coming telephone
0208 864 3149.
Below we will be placing some of our latest verse as tasters.
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Save Yer!
Volvo estate's window,
camo strides, shaved head,
life story in cartoon tats
down his sketch book back,
with pit bull and family deaths
by numbered star.
Their lingo, steeped in bro and geezer,
stomped life a while
re-arranging government,
friends and women, at the merest
lash of their leather tongues.
Watching and surmising
I breathed radio talk
awaiting a small selling space
to jump in and leapfrog
today's gossip quicksand,
but the gangland chatter
irked on.
My invisible tattoo's itch
shifted to mental burn,
I grew impatient,
the in-car voices, I thought
inventing them mafia connections
and underground scenarios.
abrasion grooved
my tetchy shoulders
and quitting the phone-in
I strutted for London,
just as stranger A removed
dark green overalls from a haversack
pulled them up to his booming
char of a voice,
and walked criminally
to the driver's seat
in an ambulance.
Jerry Pike
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